Our Chairman Message
The universally acclaimed scholastic of our motherland, Tiruvalluvar, never had the attitude of eulogizing or over-emphasizing anything in his masterpiece Thirukkural. But he was wonderstruck when he thought of the womanhood found spotless and virtuous on its own accord. In the same line of thinking, we can discover many examples, not a few but many, to substantiate the greatness of womanhood and its contribution to the welfare and growth of humanity as a whole.
One such modest woman, with a longing to set an example to her nearby community in its welfare and rightful growth, is Tmt. Manimegalai, wife of the illustrious son of the soil, Thiru R. Thandapani, who was the sole cause of establishing a philanthropic trust in the name and style of Thandapani Pillai and Sons Educational and Charitable Trust, Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, on 7th September 2001.
The onerous duty of maintaining the corpus fund of the trust and meticulous planning of the welfare activities for the benefit of the younger generation in the rural community, in particular, fell on the young and indefatigable shoulders of Dr. T. Ananth, who follows the wishful dictates of his mother and the grace of his father.